South Surrey Karate Club Location, Times and Fees*

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(older pictures of training students)

Want to train at South Surrey Karate Club? Bring a friend or your parent and come to the club just before 5 o’clock on Monday, Wednesday or Friday to Pacific Heights School, 17148 26 Ave, Surrey. Make a resolution to do something positive with your life.  Join South Surrey Karate Club today. Phone(604) 5315289.

Wearing some gym strip you can try out karate, you’ll be glad you did.  All training this year will be held at Pacific Heights Elementary School.  The good news is monthly fees will remain at a low rate *see below, however, all classes will be conducted on a pre-pay basis only.

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   Fee schedule for Winter Session 2023

Juniors , Adults, Black Belts: Shisei-Kai Canada / Karate BC

Go online to KarateBC and get your insurance.

*Juniors are under the age of 16 years for Membership fee calculations.

Make cheques payable to South Surrey Karate Club at beginning of the training year.

Club Training Fees (Monthly)

All  Members $120.00 month

Discounted Family Fees

– To encourage family participation we offer the following discount:

Family with two members or more training $10 discount

– All training classes are conducted on a pre-paid basis.

– Please provide a series of post-dated cheques dated for the first of each month or one cheque for the year.

 Location is at Pacific Heights Elementary School 17148-26th ave.


Beginners                                             5-6 pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Adults                                                   6-7 pm Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 5-6:30pm

Chief Instructor           Andrew Statz is a Rokudan in  Shotokan style karate,  trained with Tak Sameshima for 20 years; with Ron Uyeyama for three years in judo and twenty years with Steve Hiscoe’s jujitsu, Chilliwack.

Instructor                    Jim Hawkins    Yondan Shotokan karate JKA