Saturday class in Burnaby at the Cameron Center

With the current COVID virus, classes have been suspended until an optimistic date is established. Hope to see you then; all belts welcome unless stated in class; everyone who attended the last class was enthusiastic and tired after training. Overseeing training at the last class was  Shihan Frank Mostad who taught Nijushiho Kata bunkai and Andrew Statz who taught basic karate techniques. We wish to thank all those who participated and helped make this a successful afternoon.  See you at training!

Each third Saturday of the month, Burnaby Karate Club hosts regular training at the Cameron Centre,  starting at 1 o’clock. All members are encouraged to attend the next upcoming Saturday class….. .It will be taught by Shihan Frank Mostad and Shihan Andrew Statz.

 Below is a class a Saturday class taught by Sensei Jim Hawkins.  
